I have many probes. If I was to do it over again, I would always buy 12" probes and use with Thermowellls. You can easily put a 12" probe in a 2", 3", 4", 5", 6" or 12" Thermowelll. The sensor is at the end of the Probe. I have found that they register very well after a few minutes without any need for thermal gel. Just make sure you "bottom" the probe in the Thermowelll.
Yes, you just use regular SSR to control another electrical widget ({Pump/Glylcol Chiller/Element) You just the correct size for the Widget and your circuit. The DIY Glycol should work on a normal circuit, depending on what the rating of the AC is. The Pump should work on a normal 15 amp circuit. Use Hysteresis Mode in the Process Editor for most things that are not heating Elements. You do not want to "short cycle" your compressor on the DIY Glycol Chiller. That means it should run then be off for at least 15 minutes according to what I could find on the internet. I am not an electrician or AC Repairman. I am a retired pilot so take what I say with salt!
Ok finally got around to wiring this... the SSR turns on and power comes from SSR to plug... but when I plug in AC nothing?? even though there is power at plug?? i plugged water pump just to check... same nothing... i can plug AC in to water pump and it works...
possible the SSR is only letting small voltage through? it is brand new...
Sorry dont have that.. but they are the same ones I use for the element and the pump... the red light comes on, and 120V shows at the plug...i will have to recheck connections, maybe one of the N or G isnt quite connected in the plug itself.
I just ran from the black incoming leg to the SSR then to the plug, G and Ns to the same place as the others in the panel...