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Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:52 pm
by oakbarn
I just finished wiring some DINs to some float switches. The floats can be either [NC] or [NO] so I can switch them. The come standard as [NC]. I hooked them up that way and my DIN is made. Since I am using this as an Exit Condition to shut off a fill valve (NO MORE BREWERY FLOODS!!!!), I can have it shut off the valve when the float is Open.

My question is about the pull down internal resistor inside the BCS. Does it matter if it is "closed" for an extended period? This could be months as I normally leave my BCS running. I can shut it off the BCS when I am not using it as it is a hot side BCS ( I have a seperate BCS for fermenting.) only so the DINs would only be on when I am brewing which would be hours. I could also install a toggle for the 5 vdc and shut it off as well.

I have switches between any widget and the SSR for anything that would cause an issue if the SSR failed that I do turn off when I am not brewing.

I actually like the idea of it being "on", so I know that it has power ;) and when Open, will kill my valve.

Re: [NC] DIN

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:20 pm
by JonW
There is no issue having the DIN on or off for extended periods.