192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address

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192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address

Post by jayw »

192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address... BTW... this IP address was never used to talk to the BCS. My IP address for this BCS was and has always been 192.***.*.67
This is not the existing IP address of the BCS462 on my network.
I read the posts and replies during April 2020 and nothing there makes a difference on my system.
The BCS 4.0 Device: The line that indicates the above IP address can be corrected to the current BCS IP address, however as soon as I click on the Restore button the BLACK checkmark turns RED.

I never get the backup file to load. Yes, this is the same BCS462 .jason file was created from, which happens to be from the setup the last time I brewed on 6-14-2021.
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Re: 192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address

Post by jayw »

I might add that I just received this unit back from Brewers Hardware to be checked and flashed with the latest firmware version. If somebody knows where this *5 last digit in the IP address is hiding on my system, either the BCS or my PC Let me know, Competitions are now being scheduled and I would like to start brewing again, and I don't want to go back to the beginning and recreate my setup when I have a couple hundred Backup files on my PC harddrive.
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Re: 192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address

Post by JonW »

Your IP address may have changed due to your router giving out DHCP addresses. Unless you configure a static address, it is always subject to change.
I would try accessing it via the web interface first and once you find that address, use that in the backup/restore utility.
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Re: 192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address

Post by jayw »

JonW... I know what the current IP address is and it is not the one that ends with a .5 and I have never used a .5 IP address to talk to the BCS.
I can load the BCS desktop on either of my PCs (Brewery or Residence) with the current IP that I found on the Router Device list.
My problem is getting the BCS Backup Utility to accept the current IP address I use to load the BCS desktop. When I enter the current IP the BLACK checkmark to becomes a RED one when attempted to enter the current IP.

That .5 ending IP address is coming from somewhere, Have any ideas about how to get rid of it?

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Re: 192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address

Post by JonW »

I saw an issue recently with someone else that had problems connecting with Chrome, but Firefox worked. Might be a compatibility issue with Chrome popping up. Can you try using FF?
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Re: 192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address

Post by jayw »

One More Thing... I had attempted to set a Static IP using Settings> Networking>Update Network Settings - Replaced Static IP with my current IP which I know is the correct one. These settings take effect only when DHCP is disabled. Disabled the DHCP per this note in Update Network Settings.

Immediately lose the ability to reload the BCS Desktop again using the current static IP I believed I had set. The only way to get the BCS to load again was via a 15-sec reset.

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Re: 192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address

Post by jayw »

Following up on previous posts...
Just wanted to let you know that I was able to get the BCS462 to load on my PC by using FOXFIRE. Attempted to use Chrome and Microsoft Edge again. neither one will load the program.
Thanks for the tip to use Firfox.
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Re: 192.***.*.5 Backup and Restore IP Address

Post by JonW »

Hi JayW, good to hear! Can you confirm that it was just the backup/restore utility that required Firefox and not for normal operation of the BCS?
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