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Process "Lock"

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:05 am
by oakbarn
I wish there was a way to "lock" a process where it took more than a single mouse click to kill it. I use several concurrent processes in fermenting and have once again killed one I did not really want to :oops: . I do not mean that every Process should be "protected", but a selector in the process. Maybe add a selection to the Display Pulldown Menu where you could "locK' until some password like "stop" was typed in.

Re: Process "Lock"

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:40 am
by JonW
You could add an external toggle switch on a DIN that would toggle the process on/off in ladder logic.

Re: Process "Lock"

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:33 pm
by oakbarn
I actually start a Process if it is turned off for any reason. I have my Freezer control where I store my beer. It keeps on trucking regardless of what I do.

The real issue is not restarting but losing timing. I do use Dins that are tripped with a latching relay board so that I have my Primary, Diacytel UP, Diacytel Rest, Diacytel Down, Final Ferment for my lagers that works very well (Both for Flow and Timing) but I can still lose a few days. It is if I kill the wrong Process then I lose my time clocks somewhat. I edit the Process and put Due Dates in the names of my States so my brew buddies can remotely see where we are (BCS Remote Hookup via the Internet). I have the Timers Reset in the Lager Process based upon the Latched DINs. I think there was a "pro" that was asking something like this some time ago. I just did it again and while not any ruined beer, it did ruin my day!

I just put a Process 7 in a Coil Slot and fill all the Contacts and Wires with straight wires and it cannot be turned off. It starts in State 0 (cooling the Freezers to 34 F) regardless of what is done.
StartRightNow.png (5.39 KiB) Viewed 13313 times

Re: Process "Lock"

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:23 am
by clearwaterbrewer
so we need a way to reference an external clock (I know we have talked about a internal clock before, and it was nixed)