Integrating BCS into a pre-built system

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Integrating BCS into a pre-built system

Post by winvarin »

Hi all. Just found this forum after hearing the BCS mentioned on the BasicBrewing podcast. I've been researching pre-built systems for awhile and am leaning toward the Morebeer "tippy" system. I'm looking at pre-built primarily because I have neither the gear nor the know how to fabricate my own system.

When looking at the Morebeer system, I had been leaning toward the "full digital" package. It doesn't come right out and say it on the site, but it looks like some sort of HERMS rig. After hearing the podcast and browsing this site a bit, I am wondering if something like the BCS could be used to upgrade a base Morebeer system? It would seem to me that the $1300 their digital package runs would be better spent here.

The problem is I only have rudimentary electrical skills. I have friends who could probably be pressed into service for their electrical knowledge. I've got some software QA and networking background and work with a whole building full of thirsty programmers. So I think I could get some assistance with the system tuning.

I'm just wondering if it is worth looking into modding a pre-made system. And if it is, are there some resources out there you guys could point me to?
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Re: Integrating BCS into a pre-built system

Post by gbrewer »

Morebeer builds very nice systems and they come with some good accessories. I recently built a stand somewhat like what they offer on their website. I am sure you will see some similarity. From what I have seen, Morebeer does not offer a RIMS tube type setup. They offer HERMS. You could easily get the BCS460 to work with a HERMS system. You would simply control the temperature of the water that the HERMS coil is circulated through with the BCS460. If I purchased a Morebeer system, I wouldn't have it converted. It already handles the automation portion.

If you modified their basic system, you would need to add some sort of gas valve to it.

The advantage of the BCS460 comes from the automation options and endless customization. It is a web based gadget that allows you to create what works best for you. I consider the BCS my "super toy". ... -update-5/
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