ksl177 wrote:What would be awesome is if we could get a JS file with just the code for the Buttons and the Color changing setpoint indicators.
After that, I'm pretty sure I can hammer through it.
NOTE: the changes below are used at your own risk!
Some of the functions are
overloaded (meaning they are used instead of the firmware function of the same name) and if you want the original firmware functionality, don't use these! Also important to keep this in mind when updating the firmware.
ECC has indicated they would like to add the setpoint indicator feature to the base firmware, but until then you can use this code.
Make a copy of your external.js file before modifying it.
The functions below are added to the external.js file (and must be enabled for use on the settings page).
Here is the code for the Duty Cycle and Temp Set point buttons.
The 2 buttons for Duty Cycle change are +5% and -5% and the 4 buttons for Temp Setpoint are +1, -1, +5, -5. These values can be changed in the code. I may change it to use variables to make changes easier in the future.
Code: Select all
function update_prop() { // This is an overloaded function!
var b = "";
var a, h, c, g, e = 0;
b += '<div id="outprop"><br><h3>Current State Properties</h3>';
b += '<table border="1" cellPadding="3px" width="600px"><tr class="s1"><td width="170">Outputs Asserted<br> in this State</td><td>Control Type</td><td width="130">Temp Probe<br>Association</td><td>Temperature <br>Setpoint ' + degrees + "</td></tr>";
for (var f = 0; f < MAXOUTS; f++) {
a = parseInt(ucstates[UCST_OUTSTYPE + f]);
if (a) {
h = (a == 1) ? "Direct " + ((ucstates[UCST_OUTSVAL + f] == 100) ? "On" : "Off") : (a == 2) ? ((ultemps[0]!=0) ? "<input type='button' value='+5%' onClick='dutycyclechg(" + f + ", cp, cs, 5);'><input type='button' value='-5%' onClick='dutycyclechg(" + f + ", cp, cs, -5);'><br>Duty Cycle " + ucstates[UCST_OUTSVAL + f] + "%" : "Duty Cycle " + ucstates[UCST_OUTSVAL + f] + "%") : (a == 3) ? "Hysteresis" : "PID";
c = (a <= 2) ? "N/A" : ((ultemps[0]!=0) ? "<input type='button' value='+1' onClick='tempsetpointchg(" + f + ", cp, cs, 1);'><input type='button' value='-1' onClick='tempsetpointchg(" + f + ", cp, cs, -1);'><input type='button' value='+5' onClick='tempsetpointchg(" + f + ", cp, cs, 5);'><input type='button' value='-5' onClick='tempsetpointchg(" + f + ", cp, cs, -5);'><br>" + (ulstates[ULST_PIDSET + f] / 10) : (ulstates[ULST_PIDSET + f] / 10));
g = (a <= 2) ? "N/A" : getTempAssn_alt(f);
b += '<tr class="s2"><td>Out' + f + ": " + sysnames[SN_OUT + f] + "</td><td>" + h + "</td><td>" + g + "</td><td>" + c + "</td></tr>";
e = 1
for (var d = 0; d < 4; d++) {
if (parseInt(ucsysios[UCIO_EXPDIGI + d])) {
b += '<tr class="s2"><td>DigiExp' + d + " Outputs</td><td>[0:11]=" + parseInt(ulstates[ULST_EXPDIGI + d]).toString(2) + "</td><td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td></tr>";
e = 1
if (e == 0) {
b += '<tr class="s2"><td>None</td><td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td></tr>'
b += "</table></div>";
gid("setp").innerHTML = b
function dutycyclechg(curpos, curp, curs, chgval)
ucstates[UCST_OUTSVAL + curpos]=parseInt(ucstates[UCST_OUTSVAL + curpos])+chgval;
savestuff("ucstate", curp, curs, ucstates)
function tempsetpointchg(curpos, curp, curs, chgval)
ulstates[ULST_PIDSET + curpos]=parseInt(ulstates[ULST_PIDSET + curpos])+chgval*10;
savestuff("ulstate", curp, curs, ulstates)
Here is the code for the setpoint indicators.
Code: Select all
function drawSetpoint(c, b, g, gauge, scale) // this is a new function to draw a setpoint indicator on the gauge
var e = Math.PI / 12;
var a = e / 10;
var tempSetPt = ultemps[ULTMP_SETP + gauge]/10;
var d = (tempSetPt == -409.6)? 0 : tempSetPt;
if (d==0) {return;}
var tempPt = ultemps[ULTMP_TMP + gauge] / 10;
var f = (tempPt == -409.6)? 0.0 : tempPt;
c.translate(90 * scale, 95 * scale);
c.rotate(Math.PI + Math.PI / 8);
c.rotate((2 * Math.PI - Math.PI / 4) * (d - b) / (g - b));
c.lineWidth = 1;
c.strokeStyle = "#A0A0A0";
if (Math.abs(f-d) <=5 && Math.abs(f-d) >2) // ECC came up with adding colors!
c.fillStyle = 'yellow';
else if (Math.abs(f-d) <=2)
c.fillStyle = 'lime';
c.fillStyle = 'red';
c.moveTo(0, -68 * scale);
c.lineTo(5 * scale, -77 * scale);
c.lineTo(-5 * scale, -77 * scale);
c.lineTo(0, -68 * scale);
c.fillStyle = "#A0A0A0";
c.moveTo(5 * scale, -77 * scale);
c.lineTo(5 * scale, -80 * scale);
c.lineTo(-5 * scale, -80 * scale);
c.lineTo(-5 * scale, -77 * scale);
function draw_temp(a, h, j, b) //overloaded this function to add drawSetpoint
var d = isNaN(j) ? 0 : j;
if (browserSupportsHTML5)
var g = (parseInt(ucsysios[UCIO_CELC]) == 1) ? -20 : 20;
var l = (parseInt(ucsysios[UCIO_CELC]) == 1) ? 120 : 220;
var e = (parseInt(ucsysios[UCIO_CELC]) == 1) ? 5 : 10;
var c = (parseInt(ucsysios[UCIO_CELC]) == 1) ? 2.5 : 2;
var k = document.getElementById("canvas" + a).getContext("2d");
k.clearRect(0, 0, 180 * b, 200 * b);
var f = k.createRadialGradient(87 * b, 90 * b, 57 * b, 90 * b, 95 * b, 75 * b);
f.addColorStop(0, "#fafcff");
f.addColorStop(0.9, "#C0C0C0");
k.fillStyle = f;
k.arc(90 * b, 95 * b, 72 * b, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
k.translate(90 * b, 95 * b);
drawTickMarks(k, g, l, c, e, b);
drawLabel(k, h, a, d, b);
drawPointer(k, g, l, d, b);
centerPin(k, b);
drawOuterBezel(k, b);
drawSetpoint(k, g, l, a, b);